

YouTube Sunday - 365 Grateful project

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Melody Beattie
Learn about the amazing 365 Grateful Project here: from hailey bartholomew on Vimeo.


YouTube Sunday - tips for wedding photography

Here are 5 great tips for taking photos at a wedding. Great as a refresher course for getting the best wedding shots. Start watching the video now.

If you are planning on shooting a wedding, it never hurts to do a little research. Reading new books is a great way to get fresh ideas. Click on the links to view and buy the books.


YouTube Sunday - Create a Collage in CS5

In this tutorial, you will learn to create a collage in Adobe Photoshop. In less than five minutes, you can be creating a collage in Photoshop. Click to watch now.


Earn money writing about what you love

Join Examiner and you can do just that. I know that you all love photography and that you have picked up a few things over the years. Share what you know with the readers of examiner. Write about photography and earn a little money too. Just click the link to get started.


How to create your own actions in Photoshop

There are probably well over a thousand FREE photoshop actions out there... because they are so easy to create.
Recording an action in Photoshop is simple.

Step 1:
Open up the “Actions” palette in photoshop and hit the new action button. If you don't know how to open the palette, go to Window>Actions.

actions step 1

Step 2:
This will open a new dialog box with various options for the action. You can name the new action and add it to an existing set. You will also be able to assign a keyboard shortcut that will activate the action immediately in Photoshop. If you think you will be using the new action on a daily (or weekly) basis, creating a shortcut will be VERY useful. 

actions step 2

Step 3:
Hit "record" in the dialog box and carry out the steps you would like to have in the action. Before you actually create an action, you should know exactly what steps you are planning to take. Its a good idea to have these steps in mind or even written down.

actions step 3

Keep in mind that selection sizes, saving, and other specific steps will be replicated exactly in the action. So make the steps generic enough so that they will on all of the images that you'll be applying the actions to.
When finished, hit the stop button at the bottom of the actions palette.
When you want to use your new action, select the action and hit play.


YouTube Sunday - Create a Card in Photoshop

Learn how to create a card in photoshop. Today is mother's day, so you have just enough time to print one out and hand it to mommy dearest.


Light Leaks in Photoshop

Creating light leaks in Adobe Photoshop is really simple. It works great with a lomo image.This tutorial will show you how to create simple light leaks using gradients.

Step 1:
Open your image in Photoshop. I used the same image from the lomo tutorial.

light leaks 1